
What is Natural Renovation?

Comprehensive center for BALANCE AND REJUVENATION

The combination of aesthetic treatments with alternative therapies seeks to provide a new experience, in which its main impact is reflected in the quality of life of each of you, starting with the relationship with yourself and the way you project yourself. Thus achieving a synergy between what I see, want and feel.

It is for all of the above that we focus on treating people, not just bodies. Comprehensively treating aspects related to self-esteem, well-being and health; For this reason, we are faithful to our professional ethics of permanent research, designing personalized treatments so that you can EMPOWER YOURSELF WITH YOUR BEAUTY.

We invite you to live a natural renovation


El Ácido hialurónico es utilizado para hidratar la piel, rellenar y mejorar las líneas de expresión, se puede usar en: rinomodelación, reposicionamiento facial, perfilamiento mandibular, armonización facial, hidratación y/o perfilamiento de labios, corrección de ojeras entre otros. Actúa como bioestimulador, hidratándose y mejorando notablemente la apariencia de la piel. Es reabsorbible, sus resultados son inmediatos y evolutivos en el tiempo.Su duración es de 12 a 24 meses según la densidad del producto y la zona a tratar. Ten en cuenta que después de cumplirse este tiempo, el colágeno que se produjo no desaparecerá y en cambio siempre vas a notar mejoría en la calidad de tu piel y tus tejidos.
Biostimulators are compounds that promote a biological process, helping to make it faster and more efficient. In this case, we use it to regenerate collagen, which is a protein that, among many other functions, maintains skin tone. Biostimulators are mainly used to reposition tissues that are gaining flaccidity over time and to outline the face, recovering the contour, also managing to camouflage expression lines. One of their characteristics is that they are biocompatible, which makes them absorbable. Its duration varies between 12 to 24 months. Keep in mind that after this time has elapsed, the collagen that was produced will not disappear and instead you will always notice an improvement in the quality of your skin and your tissues.
Un efecto de rejuvenecimiento donde se estimula el fibroblasto que es la célula productora de colágeno. El NCTF es una potente mezcla de aminoácidos, ácido hialurónico, vitaminas, oligoelementos y cofactores que no son autólogos, pero que estimulan la regeneración de tejido y la revitalización del mismo, mejorando lineas de expresion, hidratacion y luminosidad de la piel. Requiere mínimo tres sesiones para observar resultados.
Facial threads are characterized by their size, thickness, type of spicule, they allow us to place them by means of application cannulas that allow us to position them in the area we want to handle, they are indicated for tissue repositioning, lifting, tightening, they can be used in the face, buttocks, legs, abdomen, breasts and nose under medical criteria. The threads are resorbable and their duration is between 9 to 12 months.
The spots are the product of skin aging due to exposure to UV rays; the drawback is when due to hormonal, toxic or early aging processes they appear prematurely and spread over large areas; therefore, the management of hyperpigmentation or "blemishes" must be personalized according to the patient's history. At Natural Renovation, the management and control of blemishes is carried out in a multidisciplinary manner, with topical skin products, oral and/or intravenous therapies according to the patient's needs. the patient's requirement.
Fractionated radiofrequency with Morpheus 8 allows non-surgical treatments such as: Facial or body rejuvenation, acne scar management, axillary hyperhidrosis, dilated pore reduction, stretch mark management and blemish management. It can be handled on the face, neck, neckline, armpits, chest, abdomen, gluteal region, among others. It requires a minimum of three sessions which are carried out with a difference of at least 21 days to observe results.
Como su nombre lo indica es un tratamiento estratégicamente planeado para contrarrestar los efectos del envejecimiento prematuro con respecto a la salud capilar y proporcionar una restauración de la zona a trabajar, está compuesta por 10 sesiones de láser capilar, mesoterapia capilar y factores de crecimiento capilar, productos tópicos en cuero cabelludo , terapias orales y/o endovenosas que según la necesidad del paciente se realizan con el fin de estimular a la recuperación del folículo piloso. Las sesiones se realizan con un intervalo de 8 a 15 días según la necesidad y evolución en el tratamiento.


We have the best protocols for facial rejuvenation. They allow cell renewal, cleaning, exfoliation and removal of blackheads, comedones and other impurities. They are a fundamental adjuvant in the rejuvenation processes. You have different options according to your need. We invite you to take your skin to another level.
This treatment consists of handling the latest laser technology that works on a diode basis, which allows photo-epilation of unwanted hair with results from the first session. 6 to 8 sessions are required every 30 or every 45 days depending on the case. The treatment is carried out by authorized personnel passing a handpiece with powers calculated on our screen that derive from the photo type of skin with high temperatures, thus causing the hair to weaken.
Essential oils are concentrated oily extracts from different plants, which mixed with manual techniques manage to reduce muscle tension and increase your perception of well-being.
There are many ways to reach your beauty ideal, without a doubt empowering yourself with it is part of the process and for this we have treatments and protocols that help you control weight, control measures, tone, strengthen and reduce fat. in specific areas according to your need. At Natural Renovation management is multidisciplinary; We have technology and trained human personnel that will guide you to obtain the result you are looking for.
We know that the success of your surgical procedure is in the hands of your surgeon, but also more than 40% in the care after your surgery. Your attitude and care are essential. We have techniques that help maintain these good results in the medium and long term and for this you must be constant and disciplined. Together with us and our technology you will achieve the result you want.
Our team of plastic surgeons has certified experience in the management of complex acute-chronic wounds and burned patients. If this is your case or someone you know is experiencing this type of skin injury, tell us, at Natural Renovation we can advise you.


Serum therapy is a treatment that seeks to optimize the state of health; helps strengthen the immune system, and other pathologies with the help of homeopathic medicines, trace elements, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, among others. It is essential to make an assessment by our specialist in alternative therapies. The objective is to provide balance in the body of our patient
Auriculotherapy is an ancient technique derived from acupuncture that helps us generate stimulation in the ear, thus managing to treat different alterations presented in our body such as anxiety, pain or weight control, among others.
Acupuncture is an ancient treatment that is part of traditional Chinese medicine, it is performed through the manipulation of needles that allow restoring body balance, making punctures in different parts of the body treating different pathologies.
Neural Therapy is a treatment made with injectable medication that can be applied in different parts of the body in order to unblock certain painful points and improve health.
At Natural Renovation we take pain as the fifth vital sign, knowing that its intensity and chronicity affect quality of life; This is why we seek comprehensive pain management based on complementary options and comprehensive management with alternative therapies seeking to reduce symptoms without forgetting the emotional impact that this generates.
We have a doctor specializing in regenerative orthopedics, spinal orthopedics and a sports specialist as the ideal professional to assess, manage and monitor certain pain processes and treatments such as infiltrations of biostimulatory and regenerative products in knee, hip, elbow, hand and knee joints, and feet.

Empower yourself
with your beauty

Empower yourself
with your beauty

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